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Pause a flight and continue another day


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Hit the P key to pause the sim. In the Flights menu, select Save Flight... Name your flight whatever you want and click OK.

When you start back up, click on Select a Flight, then in the list click on My Saved Flights, and scroll down to whatever you named your flight. Click on that flight name and click the OK button. You should be right back where you were when you saved the flight.


Fair skies and following winds,


Fair skies and following winds,


PROUD FS RTWR Pilot since 2015!

Kick the tires and light the fires! We's goin' FLYIN'!:D

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I can't remember the name of it. But there is a program which will save your settings in mid flight. The way everyone else described it, you more than likely will start off without power, etc. The program fixes this.
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Programme is Pete Dowson's AutoSave. I find it very useful. If for any reason a flight crashes FS9, bad bgl or whatever, you can pick up where you left off (though some payware a/c don't save the panel state very well, or at all - PSS for instance - and you have to put up with a freefall until you get the engines running again! Better than a long-haul flight that, near the destination, ends with a CTD! that ruins my whole day!!).



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