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UK 2000 Scenery Manchester Airport Runway Problem


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Hi there,


I have all the Justflight British Airports Addon packs for FS2002/FS2004. And recently I noticed that, they were being sold as Freeware ! on the UK 2000 Website. so I decided to delete the Justflight Addons, and install the Freeware UK 2000 Versions, as some of the Airport Scenery had been updated and it looked as though there were more Airports/Airfields and two Addon Sceneries Justflight hadn't sold i.e. The Channel islands and Northeast Of England, I may be wrong though. However I noticed that the Modified AFCAD File when I was using it, I had disabled the other EGCC AFCAD File, that my Runway Takeoff and Landing preferences I had chosen for it, were now being ignored by FS2004, the AI Aircraft were taking off from not only the wrong Runway, but also the wrong end. When I was using the Justflight Addons and not the UK 2000 Freeware Addons and this Simflyers AFCAD for this Manchester Airport Scenery. The AI Aircraft I had installed were, taking off from the correct end and correct runway, and landing on the correct Runway. So I tried deleting various files and scenery and the problem remained. I then Uninstalled all the UK 2000 Freeware Addons and made sure all the files were deleted and Scenery deleted from the FS2004 Scenery Library, and reinstalled the Justflight Payware Versions. However, even though I used that Simflyers AFCAD, even with this MCR (EGCC) Airport (Justflight Wales and West Midlands Airports Addon), and now this time the problem still remains. What could be causing this problem ? I don't have duplicate AFCAD's they are either not present or disabled. Is it a particular File, that I should be looking for ? Any help and Info Someone could give me would be much appreciated. I have been trying to sort it out all day with no luck. Regards Eddie Winch

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