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FSX Using Multiple Monitors...


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I am using three 27 in monitors... Also, I am using the NVidia Surround feature. I have everything configured correctly.


I set the WideViewAspect=True in the FSX.cfg file and the side views are stretched too much, causing distortion ie the AI aircraft look oblong. The center view looks like it is scrunched, it is exaggerated when you pan through the outside view. I like this mode because of the way that it changes the Virtual Cockpit and makes it proportional with the outside view. Whereas before it stretched it too big, and seemed like it was off center..



There must be someone out there using multiple monitors that has figured eyepoint and other FSX.cfg settings to address this issue of stretching, scrunching, and distorting by the WideViewAspect=True setting.





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There must be someone out there using multiple monitors that has figured eyepoint and other FSX.cfg settings to address this issue of stretching, scrunching, and distorting by the WideViewAspect=True setting


The only way is to keep the zoom down. Somewhere between 1.0 and 1.2 will be about right, depending on how far away you sit.




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