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FS2Crew AS Airbus X edition Disable FO actions


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I was wondering if I could disable the FO actions (setting flaps, lights, etc) so that he calls them out but I do them myself; I find this easier to do all the switches myself to help keep my situational awareness good. Is there a .ini file somewhere to disable the actions but keep the vocal checklists?


It's the FS2Crew Aerosoft Airbus X button control edition

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Yes. When you select checklists to on in the second MCDU, leave co pilot switched off. The check list items will be called, but will not proceed until you make the required input. This is dependent also on the aircraft state, eg if you select turn around state as your starting scenario, some items such as emergency lights, will already be on, so the item is called and the check lists proceed without you having to do anything.
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