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Bufferpools line not present


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So, I've managed to download and install fsx-se. It seems to be running a little better than the boxed version, but I've decided to start tweaking it. I'd like to apply the bufferpools tweak and the [FIBER_MAIN_TIME_FRACTION] tweak but I can't find them in my fsx_se.cfg file. Are they lines that you have to add manually? If so, where do I add them? Also I can't find the [JOBSCHEDULER] thingy. Now that kinda makes sense to me, because I've got a single core processor:D. And I understand that that tweak spreads the workload over multiple cores.(right?) Which I don't have. I've also looked in my boxed fsx.cfg file and I couldn''t find the bufferpools line in there either.

Does anybody know what causes this. Or where I can add the lines?



Erik, the netherlands

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Yes, you have to add those things manually. Make SURE you make a backup BEFORE you start!! ONLY add one setting at a time, and test thoroughly. Shut FSX down, add a setting, start FSX and test, then shut FSX down before you add the next. The .cfg file is ONLY read during startup of FSX. A good idea is to make a back-up after testing each change, so that if a setting messes things up, you can go back to before you made the change, but after your other changes have been checked out. That way, you don't have to re-add numerous settings back in.




where XX is the number to make it use cores other than Core0. If you have a single core machine (rare these days!) then that's a meaningless setting.




You'll have to read up on the correct setting for that. I don't use it, so I am not familiar with it. Read Kosta's Tweaks, stickied at the top of the FSX forum.


The line FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.20 goes under the [Main] section.

Quote: //NOTE: This is system dependent! If you are pushing too much scenery this can BLUR the textures so you must experiment with this and scenery settings. This value can go lower (0.10-0.12) if you do not see any blurry ground textures.


Does this help?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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I'm starting up fsx again to start tweaking.

Remember, if you want to make a change to the .cfg file, you have to shut FSX down completely, then start it up again for it to take effect. Of course, you can make changes to the .cfg file with FSX running, but you won't see the effect of those changes until FSX starts up again.

Making changes to the sliders in FSX can be done with FSX running, and you will see the effect(s) immediately.

Good luck, and enjoy tweaking (the cfg file!) :) I know I sure do.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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