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RTW Retro Flight #R72 Athens to Tel Aviv . . . . . . . . . 1962


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Flight 220 is an Olympic Airways Douglas DC-6B on a flight from Athens’ Hellinikon Airport to Tel Aviv’s Lod Airport (LGAT - LLBG). We have 2,300 gallons of fuel on board for this flight of about 3 hours and 7 minutes. The weather is clear with moderate cloud cover. We will be cruising at an altitude of 15,000 feet.


Thanks to:

Aircraft: Douglas DC-6B model and original textures by Jens Kristensen. The 1958 Olympic Airways paint is by Dan McManus.

Propliner AI & Traffic: CalClassic & FS Aviator - Tom Gibson, Mike Stevens, Jason Krogmann, Manuel Jagmann, Bill Towers, Nikko Yaginuma, Richard Wright, Frederick Coleman, Dave Jones, Paul Haak, Marty Lochmiller, Ake Lindberg, Harland Sandberg, Richard Wright and Gary Harper at www.calclassic.com

Scenery and Add-ons: MS FS2004 v9.1 Standard and:

- Athens Hellinikon Airport 1962 is Tom Gibson’s backdated version of the original modern airport by Moraitis Vangelis. At www.calclassic.com

- Tel Aviv Lod Airport 1961 by Mike Stevens with custom buildings by Lee Swordy. Available at www.calclassic.com

- Rwy12 and EZ Static Object and Scenery Libraries.

- FS2004 Classic Scenery Libraries v4a by Wolfgang Gersch at www.flightsim.com.

- REX FS9 w/Overdrive SP5 for sky, cloud, weather, water/waves, runway, taxiway textures, sun and runway lighting.

- Flight One Ground Environment Pro II, FS Genesis Europe and UT Europe.

- HDE 2.0 grass texture enhancement by Pablo Diaz.


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Preparing to load passengers.



Pax loaded, buttoned up and taxiing to Runway 34.



Liftoff and stowing the gear.



On course for Tel Aviv and climbing through 5,000 feet with Ziorti Bay in the distance.



Heading out over the Aegean Sea leaving Greece behind us.



We have reached our cruising altitude of 15,000 feet.



About 40 miles from Athens we see the small Gyaros Island.



Sixty five miles out passing over the north eastern tip of Syros Island.



Now over the southernmost tip of Rhodes Island the last large Greek island in the Aegean on our route to Tel Aviv.



Flying over the Mediterranean Sea now about 340 miles from Athens.


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With nothing but the Mediterranean below we are about 200 miles from Tel Aviv.



Forty miles from Tel Aviv we make a turn and begin our initial descent.



Descending through 9,000 feet.



At 6,000 feet we turn toward the airport.



Nearing the coast of Israel as the sun sinks lower in the west.



Descending through 2,500 feet and lining up our approach to runway 21 at Tel Aviv’s Lod Airport.



On short final with flaps full and three green.



Touchdown just beyond the numbers.



With the Tel Aviv Skyline in the background we taxi to the terminal and parking.



Parked and passengers disembarked. Thanks for flying Olympic Airways.


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