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Failed to Load Dll: gameuxinstallhelper


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I'm coming to the end of my wits... having tried many things:


I bought a new WD 1TB hard drive and loaded Windows 7 premium... I loaded FSX and updates... flew for a while... messed with AIFP and ADE.... found out it would have been better not to have loaded it in Programs86.... so I uninstalled FSX and proceeded to load it in Programs.... didn't work...


I did a recovery on the HD wiping every thing off and reloaded Windows 7... avast virus protection etc.


An attempt to reload FSX resulted in the same error 0x80040702 failure to load DLL gameuxinstallhelper


I tried the regedit, but under FSX was not to be found to delete...I ran Microsoft install/uninstall program... it said it was fixed... I tried to install.. same error...


Short of buying a new hard drive does anybody have any ideas..?:pilot:

HP H8 1360T, I7-3770, CPU 3.40GHZ, 8 GB RAM, 64bit OS, AMD Radeon HD7570 :pilot:
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This is the result of running the dos command in your link


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


C:\Users\Charles McMillan>cd c:\microsoftkb928080


c:\MicrosoftKB928080>resetsldl /a

Cleaning up Token Store at: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SLDL\\SoftwareLicensing

Failed to delete the token store.

Error -- HRESULT 80004005



reset dl.PNG

HP H8 1360T, I7-3770, CPU 3.40GHZ, 8 GB RAM, 64bit OS, AMD Radeon HD7570 :pilot:
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First.. thanks for your help... however, I did run it again as admin and it showed sucess.. but I kept getting the same error code... I noticed the other fellow got the error when his FSX was actually loaded.. mine wouldn't load again..


I ran onto an article by the late David "Opa" Marshall whom I have corresponded with in the past... very nice man... anyway in his article he suggested actually loading the simulator in a folder outside of the Programs area....


I formatted my HD and reloaded the Windows 7 Premium and then tried the loading of the FSX and was successful...


So.. again thanks for answering my post for help.

HP H8 1360T, I7-3770, CPU 3.40GHZ, 8 GB RAM, 64bit OS, AMD Radeon HD7570 :pilot:
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