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All traffic-files stop working


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I work with FS9 under Windows10. I have installed 80 traffic files in my scenery folder. They all work fine.

Suddenly, after installing a WOAI-pack Hungary, and I restart FS9, none of all my traffic files work anymore. I don't see not one single aircraft anymore, exception made for my active C172, nowhere on the world I don't see no aircraft anymore....

I thought something was wrong with installing that WOAI pack, so I took it away out of the scenery folder, but nothing helped. All my AI aircraft disappeared... And I can't put them back. Apparently something else went wrong, but what?

Any body knows where I could have made a mistake somewhere?


Jive1 - Belgium

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Sorry, I was too quick with my question....

I've seen myself now that for a to me unknown reason my traffic settings changed to ZERO.

Why could that have been?


Jive1 - Belgium


Err...you changed them in a moment of madness and have forgotten !!

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