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Grid lines near the coast only at night


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This problem applies to water textures near the coast, DAYAND NIGHT, WORST ATNIGHT. There are black grid lines in the water, can also been seen from top down view. Im running Rex texture direct 4, Orbx base, and emb series editor ( the one you can edit in notepad, DarkeningAmountNight=20)


Here is a screen shot, (Louisiana coast)


Iv been thinking its a REX water issue, but first would like to get someones take before I remove REX water texture.





PC specs: Windows 7 pro 64 bit,Intel core i5 2500 CPU @3.3 Mhz,GFORCE GTX 570

8 Gb pc, 1 Gb video card. 500gb HD

Real world CPL pilot with 800 hours logged in single engine / multi engine aircraft

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