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I Need a Change of Scenery! MisterX's KSFO remains Mystery X! HELP! please!

Geno Ferrari

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I have owned X-Plane 10 for about a year. I have tried numerous times to successfully download Mister X's scenery offerings without success. I contacted Justin K., and followed his instructions, but without success. I paid attention to putting the right scenery pack elements above global airports, etc. I was originally receiving various errors messages, but now, it runs the airport, just with non enhanced scenery. I ran the installer log, but due to insufficient computer skills, the anomaly remains anonymously absent. Therefore, I humbly hope that one of you benevolent CPU Masters guide this guileless geezer to the promised land of masterful Mister X's visual supreme E Ticket scenery. I am attaching my latest installer log, and sincerely thank anyone who has taken the time to read my plea.


Geno Ferrari


Note to moderators: Please let me know if I am not following the correct protocol for posting threads. GF

X-Plane Installer Log.txt

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