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Smoke stacks and rotating beacon add-ons


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This is a two part question to enhance fsx.


1. Is there an addon for Smoke stacks? (with smoke)


2. Is there an addon for airport rotating beacons that can be seen from high altitudes at night.


As you know when you have been in an airliner at night, you are able to see rotating beacons at night at high alt, but this effect is not in fsx until your are very low and close to the airport. Thats just not how it is in the real world enviroment.


thank you

PC specs: Windows 7 pro 64 bit,Intel core i5 2500 CPU @3.3 Mhz,GFORCE GTX 570

8 Gb pc, 1 Gb video card. 500gb HD

Real world CPL pilot with 800 hours logged in single engine / multi engine aircraft

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