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HUD Frequency Conflict

Ray Hff

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When using Dino Cattano's T-45C along with the carrier Clemenceau placed off the coast of Marseilles, there is a HUD conflict between the carrier TACAN and the VOR/DME at Le Luc. Both have the frequency of 113.00.


Even though the carrier Clemeneceau is much closer, the HUD defaults to display Le Luc.


In other similar circumstances where a carrier TACAN and ground based VOR's or DME's have the same frequency, the HUD always defaults to the ground based signal -- even when the carrier is much, much closer.


Is there any way to choose the carrier signal over the the ground based unit's signal?

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That happens because the carrier frequencies are integral to the HUD software. Not being received in any way from an outside source, and the system "prefers" frequencies from the radio stack.

The only way is to get far enough away from the conflicting frequency source, in this case Le Luc. We're talking on the order of 50NMi or there-abouts. That's 50NMi as the radio sends, not ground distance, or road distance. I know, not a huge factor on the ocean.

IIRC the HUD displays TCN distance in the lower right area, so just go away for 50NMI or so, then place the carrier with the AICarriers menu, and away you go. You should suddenly see the distance readout switch to however far away you placed the carrier from you, say 10 miles, or whatever. I don't believe the radio will show reception at that point.

Alternatively, select a different carrier to fly to, and enter IT'S TACAN into the radio. That will remove the conflict as well, of course.

Most CQ is done a ways off-shore anyway, so the carrier being 50NMi off the coast wouldn't be at all unusual. And remember to have it heading into the surface wind. If there isn't any, you can set it to be on the reciprocal of the Fox Corpen, about 10-15KTS. Then tell the carrier to sail "Forward" on the AICarriers menu once it's placed. This will increase the realism, making the turns and landing speeds fairly "realistic".

Does that help at all?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thank you for the extensive response.


Wish there was a way. As is, the best alternative is to switch carriers or forgo the HUD's ILS capability.


(I can use the RFN radar to locate any carrier at any range, near or far, up to 100 miles.)

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Sorry, that's the way the HUD works. It's still a great way to be able to have ILS on a moving carrier in FSX. You can't have an ILS ON the ship, but Mr. Rusev somehow built it into his HUD, making it a much more realistic experience :D

Good luck and safe recoveries to you sir!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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