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X-Y Aircraft


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X-Y...at least that's the term we used to tell an Army flight simulator console operator to jump our aircraft to a spot on our flight route to shorten the en-route time to a destination so that we could execute the approach and go home...or to just get us set up to do multiple approaches. So...on a flight from SEA to, say, Narita...roughly about 10 hours flight time. No way can I sit in my chair at home for 10 hours listening to every ATC instruction. Can I XY my aircraft to a point along my route to shorten the flight? Thanks!
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quick answer: yes

use the ingame map and draq your ac to the point you want.


quick answer: yes

using Plan-G - right-click a point on the map then option 'move aircraft here'


other applications may have similar features.


caution: Having skipped all the intervening ATC contacts and frequency changes you may not be able to resume ATC communications; you'll probably have to cancel the flight plan then file a new one enroute to resume ATC control (if you're using it).


Good luck,


Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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Yes like llivaudis said, dragging the plane icon on the map is the quickest way.

With the plane sitting on the takeoff runway, go to the map and drag its icon to wherever in the world you want it to be, then fill in the Altitude/Heading/Airspeed boxes and click OK, and you should be at the new spot.

The other way is to do it with Slew mode, sit on the takeoff runway in the 3D world and hit 'Y' to enter slew, then hit 'F4' to go up like a rocket, then 'F2' when you're high enough. Then twist your joystick to point the plane in the right direction and push your joystick to fly at supersonic speed (or hold down the arrow key at the same time to go to warp speed) to the new spot, then hit 'Y' to exit slew mode.

(Other slew keys you might like to experiment with are F1 and F3)

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About ATC:


Before moving the aircraft, wait until you are enroute and handed off to the next ATC center station. Confirm the ATC message, but don't switch to the new frequency. Now you can move your aircraft, and when you are back in the cockpit, the ATC option should change to tuning the next possible center frequency that is valid for your position.


The same is true if you fly the route and don't want to bother with the center ATC. Just leave the ATC window be when you are handed off to a center frequency and after confirming the hand-off. In this state you can use simulator time acceleration too.


But - when moving the aircraft, take care not to jump too close to the destination airport - leave at least 100 miles. Otherwise ATC will not be able to handle your flight correctly, as you missed the descent, transition or approach points. You will always be vectored back on your cruise course and altitude.


And then there are apps like FSiPanel, that will work like the instructors' station in a "real" simulator does, and where you can practice approaches over and over again without having to go through the flight at all.

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Another option is to use the Simulation Speed option to increase the time rate. Its basically a 'fast forward' option.


It can be accessed via the menu system or by pressing R followed by the + sign to increase or - to decrease the rate. The rate irises/dcreases by the rate of 2x the current value set for each press of the + or - key as follows - x2, x4, x8, x16 and so on.


The max rate when using autopilot is x16 and x128 if not. It should also be noted that when you go from x4 to x8 or x8 to x4 the sim goes through a 'reload' of the scenery so you will get a load progress bar as you do when you first load the sim. It is also worth noting that above x4 all AI traffic is removed until you return to X4 and below.


Other things to note that you only need to press the R key once and then press the +/- key as many times as required unless you press another key in the meantime, which will mean you will have to repress the R key again before adjusting the rate.


This method can be used with ATC and an active flight plan with no problems but I do find it better when using the GPS direct mode. Simply follow the ATC instructions until you want to increase the rate and then nearer the destination slow down the rate to X4 or lower and then open the ATC window. Allow it to update with the appropriate area centre selections then select the appropriate one to contact for your needs.




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All those work great. I'm liking the map cursor adjustment, but will use the others also from time to time. Re-filing is not a big problem...just gotta give myself enough time/distance away from the approach.


I did notice that the GPS seems to become inop enroute after I XY. The magenta course line stays, but the aircraft doesn't seem to want to track it when I'm in GPS mode. Absent a vector I have to go to NAV mode and input manual headings.


Also, knowing a 747 doesn't like to land with a full fuel load (350K lbs+), when I XY'd I noticed my fuel load was about the same as at takeoff. I had to dump fuel prior to initiating my approach. No biggie...another function to play and practice with.

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