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help with fsx issue and my pc


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Hi everyone

i really need you're help ?

i have this pc :

1- CPU i7 2600 @3.4ghz

2- Asus motherboard p8z68 Deluxe

3- RAMs : Kingston hybrid X 4X8G=32G @2133

4- GeForce 2X GTX 275 for total 4 Dvi output to 4 screens

5- Antec TruePower Quattro 850W Modular PSU TPQ-850


7- Adds - Airosoft A32X

- REX4



i am having a problems with multi screens when ever i used more than one it start to hang and gives some uncomplicated pictures from the plan its self or some land and buildings.


i was thinking that fsx will work perfectly on my pc . but i don't know way i am having issues.


i have a good cooling system with hi speed fan and good air inputs and outputs pulse a cpu coolr ( cool master hyper 212x )

with this fans i get max temperature of 55c on cpu with overclocking to 4.3ghz

and not more than 60c on my both gpu with overclocking.


so any advice will be appreciated

thanks in advance

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Using the ASUS Suite is the easiest and safest way to overclock. I use it also on my i7-3930k. It is normally 3.2Ghz and I run it at 4.2Ghz with no problems EVER! I never overclock my GPU because 500 series nVidia cards will boost their power automatically based on need. It sounds like your video cards may be getting a little over heated. Without pictures it is hard to tell.


The 275' are on the old side and may not be able to keep up as well in flight sim as they do in other games or software.


As long as your overclocking is not making your hardware run close to overheating temps you should be fine. As I said, I over clock and my CPU temp never goes past 40C. My Processor is recommended not to go past 80C.


Hopefully this gives you some guidance in things to check. :)

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can you explain more way.

also i do overclocking gpu . but cpu i am using asus utility turbo boost and i its give my cpu more limits up to 4.3ghz depends on load .so basically its genuine. i guess


In troubleshooting any problem you have to start somewhere. Determining if the problem was related to overclocking seemed to be a logical first step.

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