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Do I need FSUIPC for add ons to work?


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Hi all,


I've been having real difficulty in using both of Razbam's harriers, to the extent they are not even currently installed. They're unflyable on my system even after two install attempts.


Triedto get some help from Razbam but their customer service is abysmal, I did see in their forum people talking about FSUIPC? Do I need this to make certain add ons work? Could this be the reason for my issues?


Issues are, the aircraft pitches up into the vertical as soon as power is applied, and I get the "aircraft is not certified to fly" post it note appearing if anyone is familiar with the products?





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no, usually if it is the free version is supplied with the plane or its in the specs, but FSUIPC has a lot of other uses and is worth the small price. Just make sure you get the FSX version.
Intel 4790k@ 4.6 1.223V Gigabyte GAZ87X-UD3H, Gigabyte GTX 680 2Gig GPU, 8 Gig Cas 11 2100 Mhz ram, Win 7 64 Bit
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Some addons require it. The free version is enough for then to function.


A paid registration makes it possible to use it to calibrate joysticks and other tings. For addons to work the registration is not needed.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Chris,


I have a freeware version of FSUIPC installed but not sure if the RAZBAM Harriers (which I also have but not 'flown in awhile) need it.


WRT the 'aircraft is not certified to fly' message - From memory I believe the message is only related to when weapons are loaded. So try a flight without weapons and/or configure the required key selection - if you look at the back of the manual there is a section of how the weapons function in FSX and how to set it up. It may also, however, be that you haven't armed the seat - although I think that you only get a warning light only on the RH cockpit display.


WRT pitch up on power application - again read the manual. Check the nozzle settings and how to use them. There is a section that contains checklist for Startup, Pre Taxy, Taxy etc that have useful info and how to set the aircraft up for flight based on the type of takeoff (AND subsequent landing) being performed (STO, STOVL, conventional etc)


The default location for the manual on install is within a folder called RAZBAM within your Userporfile Documents folder




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