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Request help with triple screen play


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I am really overwhelmed when it comes to setting up Prepar3d on my PC.


I have gone through various forums for guidance, unable to fix my problem.


I have 3 27inch 144hz monitors. What is the best practice for using these monitors with prepar3d?



i7 6700k

Gtx 980 ti SLI




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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That depends on how you are planning to use them.


1. All three together as one large canvas for a single VC view: use the NVidia Control Panel to activate "Surround" mode. This will patch all three screens together as if they were one (that is the setup that I am using with three 27"ers). You will probably have to adjust the zoom setting, as the P3D widescreen depiction has a strong "fish-eye" effect. But I think that there is a tool for download somewhere correcting that (called "Prepp3d" or something). I am using TrackIR anyway, so I don't mind the distortion (zoom set to 1.00 in P3D). I have set the outer monitors at a slight angle, hiding their bezel behind the center monitor.


2. Separately with different windowed views on each (like, front view in the center and side window views left and right on the others): just open multiple view windows in P3D and drag them onto the desired monitors. When you save that flight, P3D should remember the setup.

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