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End of the road?


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I have been using MSFX Gold for some years now, plus previous simulations but as a result of upgrading to Windows 10 I find I cannot reinstall MSFSX Gold. Originally it was loaded into Programs (x86) but I have also

tried loading it in Programs and indeed it's own folder. Even, after many hours, I have the option of activating the program, I am told that I am trying to exceed my permitted number of activations. (I did not realise that I was restricted)

I would consider purchasing a new program, preferably similar to MSFSX, providing it was compatible with Windows 10.

I should say that it was working fine in Windows 10 until I rather unwisely uninstalled MSFSX in order to tidy up the Scenery folders. Jacktrain

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You must ensure there are no other incarnations of FSX in your computer which sometimes is not easy to do but not impossible either. Hence make sure FSX is completely deleted in your system before reinstalling. And of course make also sure you install the new FSX in something like this C:\MS_FSX and not any other existing folder whatsoever.



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