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The Alphasim SR-71 (single and twin cockpit versions) for FS9 has been available at Virtavia's web site as freeware for several years now. :)

Just go to the main web site (virtavia.com) and look for the "Virtavia freeware" link about 1/3 down the page. Virtavia used to be Alphasim and I think its a great idea they keep their older downloads available as freeware, both for use in older sims and as scenery objects for FSX.

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Thanks, guys. I found the freeware Alphasim SR-71A & B, as well (hiding on my 'library' portable drive that I'd forgotten about) the Pilot SR-71! Dunno where I got that from.

I also found Kazunori Ito's YF-12 & his M-21/D-21 Mothership as well.

Then I found Ross McLennan's SR-71 that looks VERY interesting..

Methinks I'll wait for the weekend to sort this lot out.


Then for a U-2 (or 2!)


The Glowing Heat SR-71 looks great, but, due to our South African forex conversion rate... :-(


Cape Town, South Africa

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Virtavia/Alpha have other great aircraft for FS9 and FS2002 in their freeware archive. :cool:


All the V bombers are there and the B-52G/H download is very challenging to learn.

Heck, learning to fly the B-52s is like drinking from a fire hose. :eek: You may need to "unlearn" some things that seem like second nature ("rotate" vs "unstick") in FS. The flight dynamics for the both G and H variants are VERY good, the B-52 has its own unique idiosyncrasies in real life and Alpha was able to reproduce most of them. :pilot:


For that matter, there aren't many clunkers in Virtavia's freeware section. Alphasim's MDL files might not have been the most detailed, because I think Alpha was focused more on selling planes that all or most users could load without causing a "slide show", but the details to me are close enough.

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