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Virtual Carrier Strike Group One


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vCarrier Strike Group One is now recruiting. Here you will find the CVW-17 and its many components. The vCSG-1 was developed by John Roque, Steve Cocks and myself for the enjoyment of simulating a Virtual CVW. I am sure you will find the flying here fun, yet realistic in the historic traditions of the CVW-17.


We only have a few rules:


1. We use FSX Steam


2. We expect you to be active in flight and our TS3 Comms.


3. We expect you to have fun!!


4. We are large on Chain of Command, So please utilize your Officer in Charge (OIC)


The website is still being worked on but the VA is running and pilots are active on both TeamSpeak 3 and out flight server. Please join us at http://vcsg-one.com/index.php/

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