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Misunderstandings on posted issues of fmc procedure.


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To the flight community who took time to respond to my inquiry of fmc procedure. There were lots of previous postings on the problems with these two aircraft and some several years ago. All of you may be exactly right. My position is this if the instructions are made correctly you should be able to follow them fairly easily if not maybe they could be improved. I seriously doubt I am the only person that encounters this. If I may I would like to share these web sites with you. Some of you may have already seen them. If not maybe you will find them interesting it is all about the flight simulator community and electric flight. Just for the record I really enjoy this fsx system It is sort of a window to the outside world. I personally did not bad mouth anyone or any thing. I think a few of you may have taken a couple of shots at me. I can live with that.

This is good stuff please take a look.





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