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Multi user flight simulator!

Guest Chris Howlett

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Guest Chris Howlett

Hello All,


I am new to this, or any, flight simulator forum. I have an embryonic plan to develop a TV program based around a multi user combat flight simulator. The end idea is a TV program following a WWII RAF bomber crew. A TV production company is marginally interested but do not think a suitable flight simulator is available. If anyone has experience of creating a multi user flight simulator - I will need a full RAF WWII bomber crew (pilot, flight engineer, bomb aimer, navigator, radio operator, mid upper and tail gunner) to be able to operate in a simulated bomber for multiple missions over Germany - please contact me. The German defences (radar, flak and fighters) and other RAF planes in the 'stream' will need to be computer controlled. If you have any experiences in developing bespoke multi user flight simulators please contact me - possibly on this forum to discuss.


Many thanks



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