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Programming AI for my airport and stock airports


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I have used Traffic Tools for a while in FS9 and FSX... is there an easier product now... to schedule aircraft to take off from my airports I have created and airports I have modified thru ADE?
HP H8 1360T, I7-3770, CPU 3.40GHZ, 8 GB RAM, 64bit OS, AMD Radeon HD7570 :pilot:
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One more question... I programmed a Lear 45 to go from 6d9 airport to KOSC airport at 0800... I see the Lear in the parking spot... and I arrive a few minutes before 0800 because I want to see it start up etc... but it never does... any ideas?



HP H8 1360T, I7-3770, CPU 3.40GHZ, 8 GB RAM, 64bit OS, AMD Radeon HD7570 :pilot:
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