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Question on UT2 in FSX and departing AIs


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I am using UT2 in P3D v3, it is working fine except that arrival aircraft whose next leg departure time is missed get stuck forever. Then after few hours another of the same returns on a flight and there are two of same tail number with airport getting gradually overcrowded. I do not have FSX installed to check if happens there too, but I do not remember seeing this before probably because I never earlier left it running this long at the airport. Can anyone using UT2 in fsx confirm if expired AI get deleted and spawned in the sky outbound or do they keep accumulating?

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Hi, never saw this in FSX, but I haven't been watching that long either.


But there are some changes in the SimConnect API in P3D V3 which make it necessary to take additional steps when AI aircraft (or any other object) are handled, especially when they are to be removed. UT2 does not know of those methods (obviously) so it is very possible that they get stuck. At the very least, UT2 will generate a massive amount of error messages when AI are deleted by the simulator. You might not be aware of those exceptions, but they will slow UT2 down and may be responsible from some stutters in the sim. For example the "get data for simobject" loops, these have to be cancelled explicitly in P3D V3, even if the object itself does not even exist anymore! If this happens, the addon app will accumulate a massive amount of SimConnect exceptions.


Point being: we seem to have reached the point where using older programmatic addons in P3D is no longer feasible, when they were written for previous SimConnect versions. And this is true for everything, external applications, aircraft systems, gauges. Using them anyway can result in stutters, slow-downs and CTD.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for another question. I am having this issue most with LCC airline schedules that I have installed using power pack. These flight plans on average contain a short turnaround time of 30min to the next leg, this is causing the AI to be frequently missing the next departure time before they can come to rest in a parking at the airport. The problem is UT2 is injecting next schedule to AI 10min before departure time and if an AI is not already parked and still in the process of arriving at that moment, then it is not moving to the next leg after being parked and stays there indefinitely. Could anyone confirm if they are observing the same? It is easy to see this using source ttools txt file and tracking the AI with the tail number. An AI can be made to delay (by about 20min) by slewing on to the runway when it is about to land and causing it to go around to make sure it miss the next departure time.


Thanks in advance

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