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FSX boxed edition refuse to stay in full screen mode


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Can someone have any ideas why? Everything works well until a week ago, and all of the sudden fsx start to exit from full mode after 10 min. or so and go in windowed mode. The sim continues to work, normally. I have not installed any new add-on or something else. Is a little boring, because with a flight for several hours I have to put again in full mode various time. I use win7, but never have this problem before!


Inviato dal mio Sirius_QS utilizzando Tapatalk

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Have you installed any new non-FSX software on your PC recently or set anything to run periodically like a backup or virus scan? On my system, unrelated background tasks force FSX into windowed mode so I make sure that nothing is set to run whilst I'm using FSX.

Antivirus I'm sure is not, because I excluded C:/fsx folder. Have to check for other background service.


Inviato dal mio Sirius_QS utilizzando Tapatalk

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OK problem solved. I use OPUS FSI for weather, and I have some problems on my internet connexion for some days(no signal), and forget to turn off the weather update from OPUS, so every ten or fifteen min. my FSX go into windowed mode because no internet connexion when OPUS trying to update with no success.


Inviato dal mio Sirius_QS utilizzando Tapatalk

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