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Runway Selection

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I have SunskyJet KPHL scenery and I am having problems with the runways that are being selected by the AI. I am aware of the tool ADE and tried using it to designate the runways used for departure and arrival by compiling the airport and replacing the addon bgl, but the ai seem to not care and land wherever they want. I checked to make sure that there were no other addons with the kphl bgl prioritized above the one I edited.


How can I fix this?

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When the winds are 0-6 knots, the AI will select the default runway. Once the runway is selected on the ground or in the air, the AI will not change it even if the weather changes.


The weather product Active Sky 2016 provides two special settings which help to mitigate getting an unexpected runway selection from the AI:

1) Prevent Downloads on Approach.

This keeps new weather from being downloaded and applied during set up for your approach which has the effect the runway selected by the AI based on the conditions at the time will more likely remain valid.

2) Suppress Local Weather Changes.

Within range of the departure and arrival airports filed in your flight plan and in Active Sky, the weather will be prevented from changing until you leave the area even though the weather download updates continue.


Otherwise, you can just roll with the flow as most pilots do as long as the runway selection is not entirely unsafe.



2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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I understand that weather affects the runways chosen but for kphl, they depart 27L and land 27R. I made these corrections in ADE but the ai still ignore what I did and land and depart 27L. I don't think that this is because of weather but I may be wrong.
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On error I often read in this forum is routing conflicts. You could have conflicting scenery or conflicting entries in your airport edits.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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If you have duplicate or over-lapping sceneries, unchecking, testing, re-checking using the Scenery Library is a quick-easy way to diagnose the problem without deleting or editing anything.


2 carrot salad, 10.41 liter bucket, electric doorbell, 17 inch fan, 12X14, 85 Dbm
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