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AI heavy parking


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Is there any way to prevent an AI aircraft such as the A330 or 747 from parking in a medium sized parking space? Its extremely annoying to see a heavy squeeze into a spot that it can't even fit into, making a tremendous eye sore.


Example: A Delta A330 has two empty gates to choose from; a medium gate and a heavy gate. It will always choose the medium gate as priority 1.


Changing the atc_parking_code will not work for me as I can't edit some user designed airports without all the scenery objects disappearing.


I tried changing the atc_parking_types to Gate_Heavy, but that didn't work.


Getting rid of medium gates won't fly because I need them for 757 parking.


Any ideas?

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FS scores AI parking using several different criteria.


The one definitive element is parking spot size, all else being equal the AI will park in the smallest spot it can fit into.


If you cannot edit the airport (which you should be able to) you are going to be challenged to get the result you want.


Changing the aircraft wingspan to fix one airport will probably cause you grief at other airports.


Maybe we should address your belief that you cannot edit airports successfully.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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As mentioned above best solution to edit the aircraft size - if use use AFCAD or ADE through the aircraft editor utility. Change it to a radius which is to big for the medium gates. Alternatively reduce the size of the medium gates at the airport you are at to a smaller radius so these a/c won't park there.




Long term FS9 pilot

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