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What am I doing wrong?


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Doing a paint for fs9. I am used to painting for fsx but just thought I would do a few for fs9. Problem is when saving they turn out solid gray in sim.


Using DXTbmp and saving in same formula as original (DXT3). Open with DXTbmp, send to PSP, paint a bit, hit Save, back to DXTbmp and open then save in sim as DXT3. I also tried almost all the DXT versions but still solid gray and some even lock up the simulator.


What am I doing wrong?

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Without supplying even the most basic information , there is not much anyone can do to help . It makes it a " guessing game " where no-one wants to play .

Is there no ( layered ) paint kit available ?

Aircraft you are trying to paint ?

Have you tried saving as Extended 32 bit 888-8 ? Textures are larger ( MB ) - but less detail is " lost " .


John Glanville

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I supplied the basics, what more do you want?


Fs9 plane, original textures dxt3, saved again as dxt3 and also others as well as 32 bit and still does not work.


Textures same size, 1024. No layered paint kit. Painting for almost twenty years and never had this problem.


What does Fs9 require for texture format? Mips, no mips, 16 bit dither, what?

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I can't see anything wrong with your painting method, sounds like it could be a simple error in the aircraft.cfg file.

Make sure the texture= line in the aircraft.cfg file has exactly the same characters as your texture folder name.



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Maybe that someone else had the same problem as you painting the same aircraft ?

If I walk into a travel agents and say I want to go on holiday , I think I can expect the travel agent to at least ask where I want to go and when .

As you are a paint expert ( I obviously have no idea ) , I'll just leave the discussion to others who may be inclined to help you without asking " stupid " questions .



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