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ATC concerns


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I have Radar Contact 4.3 for my ATC and have been using it for years, but after getting MyTraffic6, I'm finding that RC really is lacking in a few key areas such as airport names (calling the airport El Paso instead of KELP) and airline callsigns. To update RC with a new callsign, you need a master sound engineer with a minor in coding to get it to work and even still then it won't sound natural. I tried to make the Allegiant callsign by using the existing phrases of Alli and Giant and for half the results were passable but the other half sound atrocious. Making a callsign like Redwood where the words Red nor Wood are anywhere in the recordings already would be next to impossible. Also, RC does not give arrival taxi or gate instructions.


There are some areas of RC that I do like a lot and would hate to lose. Such as declaring an emergency, I've never lost communication with ATC, RC does its best to separate you from AI and AI from AI making landing at busy airports very nice.


I've been thinking about replacing RC since its last update was 2007 and although then the developers assured the public that RC5 would eventually be released, it seems it will not since it's been 9 years without a single update. The best option I can find would be ProATC/X ...... HOWEVER, they do not offer any type of trial and spending around $50 for a program I may not like or do what I hope it will is a big concern for me.


So that leads me to reach out to the community. Who has ProATC/X and can answer some questions for me?


1. Does ProATC/x give the option to declare an emergency and how is said declaration handled (RC gives the options to land at nearest appropriate airport, continue to destination, or return to departure airport, also gives vectors and actually does move AI traffic away from you giving you priority landing)?

2. Does ProATC/x now communicate with AI traffic on the ground (I've seen a lot of posts and reviews saying that it currently does not but they are working on it)?

3. Does ProATC/x give full taxi and gate assignments on arrival?

4. How complete is ProATC/X with airport names and airline callsigns?

5. How difficult is it to add a missing callsign or have ATC call the airport by its name and not its code?

6. IF I were to get ProATC/x and not like it, is there a refund window of opportunity?

7. How well does ProATC/x work with addon scenery, anywhere from just adding an ILS approach to stock airport, all the way up to completely changed addon scenery (payware, freeware, or custom)?


My other option would be to revert back to default FSX ATC with EditVoicePack but I would lose declaring an emergency, unrealistic frequency changes, and as I recall default ATC falls asleep and forgets about you sometimes (happened a lot on go arounds where I'd fly nearly 50 miles on the downwind and never hear back from ATC to vector back to the approach) but I would have a very easy way to update callsigns, airport names, and even phrases/terminology.


I'm hoping that the community here can help me make a decision. Thanks everyone for your time and input.

There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?
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