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WOAI problem


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I have installed several WOAI files and it has been working oke for a long time.

In my Simobjects/Airplanes I do have the WOA-folders:



In my scenery/world/scenery I doe have the . bgl's :



When using WOAI installer in expert mode it shows the airlines:



But when I click on one of the airlines and then click 'airport info' a error-message pops up; saying the . bgl could not be found.

WOAI error.jpg


That surprises me because I do have the WOA-folder ánd the . bgl's in the scnery/world/scenery folder.


Am I missing something? Any suggestions to solve this?

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I think the problem is, you have installed FSX in the systemfolder Program Files (x86). There are many issuses that way! Windows think you haven't the Administrator rights to get in such folders. Change into other folders. The Best way would be in a New Partition. You can try also C:\FSX or C:\Program Files\FSX

happy landings! Christian:pilot:

Intel i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHZ, 4 Kerne, 16 GB

MSI RX 480; M. SATA WD 500 GB;

WD RED PRO 2TB Win 10, 64 bit; FSX Gold Acc.

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It is not because of installing in program files.


It is caused by: You don't have that file in that folder,

you have converted them to fsx.

(all your .bgl's end in _FSX


btw, what the installer shows in that list is not what IS installed, but what WAS installed by you with that copy of the installer.

That is taken from the file WOAIXDATA in the woai installers folder. Tha file memorises everything you install. It is removed from the list when you uninstall a package using the installer.


That is also why it is strongly recommended to always use the same copy of the installer for installing, and not three different ones.


It is also the reason it is good thinking to save the WOAIXDATA file somewhere if you decide to remove the woai installer for some reason.

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Thanks to Flatterman and il88pp, thanks for your message.

I don't think it has to do with installing FSX in program files. It has been working very well.

So, I think il88pp is closer....

But....as far as I can remember I have never uninstalled WOAI-installer or used another installer. Maybe my age (61)......

You're right: I have converted FS9 .bgl's to FSX. bgl's, because I encountered some problems trying to install downloaded packages that contained FS9. bgl's.

It turned out in having no AI-aircraft at all. Checking this forum I found that I had to convert the files, using AFP2. That is what I did and all my AI-aircraft where back!


Anyway, right now I have very little AI at the airports (only KLM Royal Dutch Airlines) and I would like to get the others back as well.

Could you please explain to me what I should do to have the aircraft from other airlines back ...?

BTW: sorry for my pour English, it's not my native language.....

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things about moving the installer was just added advice. Not to do with this problem.



about this.

See how your image (last one) the Woai installer sais:

unable to find file: Traffic_000_Woa_AirFrance_Su09.bgl


that is because you converted your file to FSX-type, and the new version is now called:


(with _FSX in the name)


In the list in the Woai installer it sill says:


but that is because the woai installer tells you what IT has been installing.

It does NOT tell you what is in the folder!!!

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If you only have klm.... is it possible you installed klm a second time? and installed it to a different folder perhaps?


If Traffic_000_woa_Klm_su11.bgl (not fsx type)

is in another folder

and still in fs9 type

then that will be all you see.


"if there are fs9 and fsx traffic files (bgl\s ) installed, then you will see only the fs9 files showing in the sim."


Use aifp to check the whole fsx folder, not just:

../Microsoft flight simulator x/scenery/world/scenery

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I did check the whole FSX folder with aifp and found a few FS9 traffic files.

I converted them to FSX and replaced them in the same folder as where all my other _FSX. bgl's are. It did not change anything as far as I can see.

I checked for other installations of klm in other folders: found none.


Is there anything else I can do?

I sure hope there is another option then uninstalling all trafficfiles (using aifp I suppose ?) and WOA-folders........

Would you please let me know what the best next step is?

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That sounded good, found fs9 files, converted.

Until you said it did not fix the problem.


Did you remember to let AIFP remove the fs9 files after converting?

Sounds like you still have fs9 trafficplan files installed.


As you have them all in converted form, you can now use AIFP and search for FS9 files again.

If you find some, locate them manually.

Then delete them, or if you don want to delete, rename them from xxxxx.bgl

to xxxxx.bgl.bak


(.bak disables files, safely, as no other programs will open .bak files, so they can get opened by mistake.)


Other option is to simply remove the fs9 typpe .bgl files from the fsx folder.

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And that is exactly what I forgot to do......

I did convert the files, but I'm afraid I was so stupid to forgot to instruct aifp to delete the old FS9 files.

So, I got rid of them and guess what.........all airplanes back again :)


Thank you very much for your assistance il88pp !!

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