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An invitation for you all...


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Every once in a while, something new comes along that almost seems to good to be true. A few weeks ago, one of those opportunities burst on the scene; it remains available as I write this appeal.


A brand new Virtual Airline, Universal Air Alliance (UAA) opened for business. Now there’s really nothing special about that, is there? New VAs come, some make it, others don’t. But, here we have a unique situation. This VA was founded by people who are more interested in flying than being “airline management types”, requiring this and demanding that. No, no, no! No matter what kind of pilot you are, UAA has a place for you, from GA flights to bush flights, from cargo to military aircraft, fixed wing or helicopter, to all the airline flights, from intercontinental to commuter, UAA has it all!!! Check them out at http://www.flyuaa.org


Don’t want to fly VATSIM? That’s OK, no need! Want to fly a series of cross-oceanic flights? No problem! Want to take a break from those long hauls and do some basic VHF commuter flying in commuter twins? No problem!


I’ve been a flight sim enthusiast for about twenty years; I go back to the old Bruce Artwick days. Never in all that time had I ever so much as considered associating with a V.A.. Now I’m the eastern regional Manager for UAA, and doing something with it that I don’t believe any other VA would even consider.


I’ve long held a belief that small, regional commuter/charter airlines could become viable and hugely profitable under certain circumstances. UAA is giving me the chance to prove, or disprove that theory, and I’ve started by creating within UAA a Cape Air type airline doing essentially what the real Cape Air does in southern New England. Once established, we’ll begin to grow the model; what fun! Anybody interested in flying light twins (Cessna 404, Cessna 402C, Piper Chieftain types, Beech 1900s, no payware aircraft requirements, although they are certainly welcome), you are encouraged to join up. Fly a while with my Cape Air, then go off an fly for another airline some, then come on back for another stint at Cape Air. You’ll have a ball, and all without hassle.


At FlyUAA you can fly any route, any time of day, with any aircraft including helicopter, using any livery you like. The only restriction is that you have to fly the aircraft available in your rank. Fifty hours (and you can transfer other VA hours in), and you are into the tube liners everybody seems to want to fly, but if you are like me, like low and slow, enjoy small twins, and want the ability to spend short periods of time with your VA, vusit the UAA site, click on the "InformationTab", select "Our Staff", scroll down til you get to me and send me an e-mail, I'll respond with answers to whatever you want to know about UAA.

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