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Repaint advice


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Hi I reccently finished painting my first texture. I had no major problems however I want to do another repaint for a different aircraft but there is not paint kit available. I am using paint.net but I am a complete beginner! It's not making the texture blank that I am worried about but the fact that it has no layers! How can I create my own paint kit?
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You don't mention what you are painting but this is one " solution " .

Normally you have two choices with a " non-layered " texture . As with Carenado they supply a blank texture and when painting you can set your paintscheme ( the layers you painted ) to , or move the background layer ( the blank texture you started with ) to the top layer and set this to . Have used both methods ( for Carenado ) and this works . I have a few Carenado paints here in the library and lots more on AVSIM if you want to look at how it appears .


John Glanville

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