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Prepar3D Pilot Records


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I've been running P3D for a few days with no problems and installed Ultimate Traffic 2 yesterday using information from my computer builder and a video on YouTube. The install worked and I'm no longer alone in the sky.


However, in the two flights I've made since the install, I've noticed that neither flight has been recorded in Pilot Records/Logbook. I did delete my first five flights from the logbook after the initial P3D install which recorded fully - unfortunately all ending in crashes because of incorrect controls setup. Now I've got everything running well I would like to record my flight hours etc. but I can't for some reason.


Is it possible that whilst installing UT2 I might have changed a config file somewhere and caused a corruption in Pilot Records? As far as I am aware, I've made no changes other than those to get UT2 up and running.


Hoping for a response



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