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Handley Page 42X Heracles


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I have the HP42W Heracles FSX aircraft which runs ok but the panel and gauges are disappointing. Searching this website I came across another HP42 but it was for FS2000 (FS2004?) and seemed to be in pieces.


Because I have several aircraft installed in an AIRCRAFT folder which I have added to FSX in the manner described by a chap named David Wilson-Okamura, I thought I might do the same for this aircraft but without success.

My question is, why, when files from DMFS run well this way, the HP 42 won't. What I really want to do is transfer the panel and gauges. Strangely enough FS Panel Studio can open the relevant FS2000 files but not the FSX files.

I would greatly appreciate any comments or information.

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Sorry, I can't juggle files for toffee, so if I find a downloaded plane disappointing for whatever reason I simply download another, and another til I find one that rings my bell.

For example I just googled 'fsx hp42' and several pages of download hits came up, including reviews and youtube vids, you could do the same and sift through them.

PS- if you're a vintage nut like me, this set of vintage aircraft photothreads might interest you-



Example-:Handley Page HP.42 "Hanno"


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