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AI Float Planes in FSX


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I have a scenery project and I wont to add a AI float plane to my scenery. I created the AFCAD for the scenery all looks fine, the AI aircraft is showing up at the scenery, but the AI aircraft will not move, no matter what I do. I've tried different aircraft models, but no lock.


I tried this scenery if FS2004 and the IA works fine.

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You say "it's showing up at the scenery but it's not moving"

What, is it hovering in the air like a helicopter, or is it just sitting there on the water?


PS- I just googled "fsx ai floatplanes" and this link came up, I'm not sure if they're talking about FS2004 or FSX or both, but see if you can pick up a few clues in it,..:)


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