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Need help to make menu bar work


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Hi to anyone who has the answer I need please.

I am accustomed to having the menu bar available when I fly but since I just re installed FS9 I cannot get it to appear. I am not new to this game by a long chalk so believe me I have done what should be done. the normal clicks don't want to work. I need FSUIPC up there to do my thing. Thanks in advance..............John

(off to bed 2am) :D

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Well spotted, Chopper!


Do you get the feeling that this guy is taking the pee out of us????!!!!




Yes Dijvid, I sure do. Especially considering these forums have a search function that can easily provide solutions before repeat posts are necessary, the simulator itself has help functions, and yes not everybody remembers things but a printer or simple word document makes it easy to store these tips for future reference.


And then to add to all of that, in one of the earlier posts, the OP never replied back regarding if our suggestions worked, if they even tried them, or any response, which always makes me wonder if they even came back here to look for any replies.

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