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just flight traffic 2005 in fsx question.

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Hello All

I have a copy of JFs traffic 2005 knocking around.

I used to use this in Fs9.

I have found out that with various updates from JF it can be made to run in X.

A long shot but has anyone tried this?

Iam a little wary of having a go in case I upset X.

Have been using it for about three weeks now and its pretty much a virgin install ,I am having absolutely no problems with ctds etc its running well and reliably ,my worry is that by attempting to run jfs t2005 I will cause myself unesaccery grief ,ctds,and assorted horrid stuff.

Any ideas.

I don't want to go the woai route.

Prefer one all-round package done and dusted.


Cheers Andy

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As you claim that all that you're using is a vanilla install of FSX, I guess there is no harm in trying out the addon you've mentioned. Even if something gets messed up, a repair can take care of it.


Good luck! :)

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