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FS2004 Travel Air

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FS2004 Travel Air. The first production Travel Air B established such a good reputation in the First National (Ford) Air Tour in 1925 that the company sold 19 the same year. In 1928 the model B was designated the Model 2000. Orders increased until 1930, when Model 2000 production ceased, with 1550 built. One of the classic aircraft of the late 1920s it is not surprising that the Travel Air was a good airplane considering that Walter Beech, Clyde Cessna and Lloyd Stearman were all involved in its design and production. This resource of talent produced an aircraft that was known for reliability, ease of maintenance and a delight to fly. With a range of 425 miles, barnstormers could hop passenger rides in and out of small fields all day. Notice the huge balanced ailerons giving the plane the nickname Old Elephant Ears. By Lynn and Bill Lyons.

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