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MSFS C-130E Biafra Airlift SE-XBT | 1968 1.0.0

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4 Screenshots

About This File

Payware CapainSim C-130H (with cockpit) is needed.


This repaint shows Swedish Air Force C-130E 84001, c/n 382-4039, with civilian registration SE-XBT, which operated by ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross for humanitarian Biafra Airlift transport missions in 1968. Withdrawn from use in 2014.


First unzip this package and please read LIVERY FIXER.txt.

If you have LIVERY FIXER installed, simply move this package into your MSFS Community folder like other liveries. Enjoy!


This repaint is freeware; you may use and modify it as you wish for your own use. It may not be used or sold for commercial purposes, nor published on any website that charges for downloading either directly or through a membership fee. If you want to publish repaints based on it, you need written permission from the author.

Thomas Roehl
May 2024

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