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About This File

On 13.July 1969 had N93101 her first Test Flight! She was the fifth built Boeing 747 ever made and was one of the First to have vertical tape instruments for the engine monitoring in the Cockpit!
She was also the First to be delivered to TWA in August 1970 and the Airline celebrated that with painting a 5 on the Front of the Aircraft. 
Five Years later, meanwhile converted to a freighter/tanker, she was took over by the Iranian Air Force, where she was in Service most of her active time. 
With her last Registration as EP-CQB from 2016 is her current state unkown and the last "In Flight" Spotter Photo which i have found from her in the Net was from September 2019. 
But nevertheless, with over 50 years in service she has been the oldest flying 747 of all!
Many thanks to Christian Koegler from the RFP team for the permission to publish this mod with their 747-200 model with VC, 
Barnaby Britton for his permission to use his great "RA001, the first jumbo jet" Flight engineer panel photo as 2D & VC FE panel background,
Theodore Gianna for his really nice "TWA 'Star Stream' Double Globe" Paintwork and the permission to modify it,  
Marco Ravanello & Gianfranco Corrias for the great CIVA INS, 
Jacob Larsen and Anthony Eades for the very useful V speeds callout gauge, 
Charles Owens for his innovative icing mod, 
Philippe Wallaert for his "2D view panning" mod, 
Mike Maarse for his "it will knock your socks off" Pratt & Whitney soundset, 
Douglas S. Dawson for his great programs that allows us to save and reload Vars,to play Sounds files and of course for his Batterycharger 
and to Dietmar Loleit, who passed away in 2020, for his great working TCAS! 
Tested only in FSX & Acceleration!


Filename: FSX_RFP_MOD_TWA_N93101_V7.1.zip 

What's New in Version 6.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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User Feedback

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   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

Straight forward installation with good instructions provided. PERFECT in every way. 2d cockpit and VC both easy to use in flight. RL appropriate handling and responsiveness. And with the nice set of views built in, I can't wait for my first photo shoot. Well Done!

  • Thanks 1

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Just installed and I'm also thrilled with this aircraft. However, I cannot (at first flight) get aileron or elevator function. I'll keep you posted.

Response from the author:


I think you have overlooked the "2D panel procedure"!


From the Installation instructions:


5. Important! When the aircraft is loaded and you sit in the VC at the beginning load at least one time the 2D Main panel, 
   because some xml scripts there working also for gauges in the VC!


Beside that all Rudders working only with Electrical Power, Bleed Air (from APU,GPU or Engines) and Hydraulic Power (from Air Driven Pump or Engine Driven Pump).

Hope it helps and thanks for downloading this Mod!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

it is very good but is there anywhere I can get extra liveries for this plane?

Response from the author:


This Installation Instructions are only for FSX user who want to use new RFP textures
with this Mod:


1. Download the original RFP Base Package and the RFP Livery Packages you want to have:



2. Create a new Folder on your Desktop and install first the Base Package into this new Folder!


3. Then install the Livery Packages you want to have into the same Folder!


4. Now copy the new texture folder of your choice into the "FSX_RFP_MOD_TWA_N93101" Folder for a vertical tape panel

   (or "FSX_RFP_MOD_RA001" for a round dial panel) and rename the new texture folder with a unique name!

   And dont forget to make a thumbnail for your new texture folder!


5. Copy and paste the new [flightsim.XX] section from the Aircraft.cfg of the Livery Package
   into the Aircraft.cfg of the "FSX_RFP_MOD_TWA_N93101" Folder (or "FSX_RFP_MOD_RA001")!


   Here is an example of a United Airlines section for a vertical tape panel!
   For a Round Dial panel put the new texture folder and this section into the "FSX_RFP_MOD_RA001" Mod folder and Aircraft.cfg,

   see also:


[fltsim.XX]                    //Beware of the next following Section Number
title=Vmax 747-200 VMAX UA NC
panel=VerticalTapesV6     // CHANGE to RoundDialsV6 for the other panel 
texture=UA                   //Folder renamed texture.UA
kb_checklists=RFPMOD_check    //CHANGED TO
kb_reference=RFPMOD_ref       //CHANGED TO
atc_parking_types=GATE               //NEW ADDED
ui_manufacturer=RFPMOD            //CHANGED TO
ui_type=747-200 United Airlines   //CHANGED TO
ui_variation=United Airlines
description=Vmax Classic 747-200\Manufactured between 1970 and 1986\nPowered by 4 Pratt & Whitney JT9D Engines \ Copyright of Ralph's Panel Shop and Vmax Flight Systems


6. Make a safe copy of your new texture folder!


7. Then finally copy these 6 Cockpit texture .bmp files from one of the default Mod textures (RA001 for dials or TWAN93101/TWAN93101X for tape gauges) into your new texture Folder:  


    FE-Center_L , FE-Lower_L , FE-Top_L , Overhead-256_L , Radios1_L , RT_INS-a_L


    Let overwrite when ask!


8. You are done!

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