About This File
FSX Lockheed XFV-1 v1.11. Updated Lockheed XFV-1. After releasing v1, I compared my XFV-1 to the photos again and felt it needed fixing. Because I modeled 9 years ago when I was still inexperienced with FSDS. So I bulged out the canopy and the lower fuselage a bit. I also sharpened the spinner a little and installed the tail wing parts that I had forgotten. So Luckily the texture wasn't a large scale fix. I also fixed some other concerns. Improved flight dynamics and engine performance. Fixed autopilot lamp gauge XML. About the night display of the VC warning lamp, about the shadow of the propeller, adjustment of the specular map, etc. It was failing to land vertically on hard realism settings, but the success rate has been increased. FSDS 3.5 model by Uenoshing.