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2 Screenshots

About This File

FS2002 Replacement Autogen Vegetation Textures (Alternative 1). These files provide a high quality replacement for the default Autogen tree textures which provide the 3D vegetation in the FS2002 scenery. All 19 different trees, palms and shrubs used for the Autogen vegetation are replaced with enhanced high-resolution images depicting each of the five seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter and 'hard winter' (i.e. snow). They transform, and greatly enhance, the appearance of the FS2002 scenery. See also: FS2002 Replacement Autogen Vegetation Textures (Alternative 2): MSTREES-1.ZIP FS2002 Replacement Autogen Vegetation Textures (Alternative 3): MSTREES2.ZIP. By Gerrish Gray.

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