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X-Plane 11 Scenery--CFXP CBBC Bella Bella British Columbia 1.0

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--CFXP CBBC Bella Bella British Columbia 1.0. Bella Bella is a small coastal town on the Pacific Northwest coast about an hours flight north of Vancouver. Bella Bella is served primarily by Pacific Coastal. Pacific Coastal will operate SAAB and 1900s between Vancouver, Bella Coola, and Bella Bella on the "PASCO milk run". Pacific Coastal has also been known to operate the legendary Grumman Goose and amphibious Beaver fleet from this airport. This package include seasonal orthophotos (SAM Seasons), seasonal vegetation (SAM Seasons), hand placed forests and some autogen building classes, custom models for the airport plus modeled town + seaplane dock, proper docking models (your plane will not float through the dock), custom mesh around Bella Bella Airport "CFXP - CBBC Mesh", corrected autogen and roads, CBBC Bella Bella, Bella Bella Town, Bella Bella waterdrome, Denny Island Airstrip, and Point Dryad Helicopter pad + working lighthouse. Requirements: Misterx6 Library (latest version (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP). By Canada4XPlane.

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