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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Pista El Guayabo Quevedo (SEEG) Ecuador 1.0

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Pista El Guayabo Quevedo (SEEG) Ecuador 1.0. Pista El Guayabo is a small private airstrip located outside Quevedo, Los Rios Province, Ecuador. It is located 1.7 NM E from Quevedo's Rio Cenepa Airport (SEQE) (A_SEQE_-_QUEVEDO_RIO_CENEPA.ZIP), at a banana farm. This farm is next to some hills, and part of those hills have been flattened so they don't interfere with the approach. This airstrip is used by crop dusters, and the runway is 800 meters long. Please see the Readme.txt file for more information including library requirements. By Sandro Rota - Ecuador Aviation Photography.

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