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FSX FMC Gauge V1.1

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FSX FMC Gauge V1.1. This is a new FMC loosely based on the popular FMC by Garrett Smith. It includes a full function VNAV system which can work on any length of flight plan, a radio tuner, maps, and easy to use GPS functions. It can be fitted to any aircraft although mostly oriented towards jet aircraft. Installation instructions included. Found a few bugs in the first release including one which stopped VNAV working on some (many) flight plans. Please use this to replace previous version. By G. Munro.

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VNAV activation only activates VNAV. You still need to activate LNAV through your Autopilot. As stated in the instructions the Altitude and speed can each be changed twice when in cruise.
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This is not the first FMC I try to install and make it work. But as with my 5 or so previous attempts I come no further than a solid black square somewhere on the panel view. Been simming since FS5, been downloading and installing from the beginning of times. Scenery, aircraft, panels, gauges , one goes easier than the other but in the (long) end I can get them all to work. Except for FMC gauges, I never succeed. I do something wrong but what??? I tried this time in default FSX Cessna C172. First I downloaded and unzipped the file in my 'downloads' folder. I openend and put the FMC1.CAB in the FSX/Gauges folder. Then I changed the C172/Panel/Panel.cfg as follows: (I copied the FMC settings from the included PDF in the FMC_xip.)

>>>> now this I cannot understand: when I change in the 'GAU line : gauge00=FMC!FMC, 0, 0, 325,512 to another FSX gauge for instance : gauge00=Cessna172!Clock, 122,193, 58, 58 then the clock is showing in the window ?? Why is the FMC gauge not showing in my FMC window06 ????

thanxs for suggestions

WIN10 64bit I7 6700K GTX1050TI4G SSD500G FSX SE, FS9, FS8 all workingwonders.........



// Panel Configuration file

// Cessna 172sp

// Copyright © 2001-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


[Window Titles]

Window00=Main Panel

Window01=Radio Stack


Window03=IFR Panel

Window04=Landing View

Window05=Mini Panel

















gauge00=Cessna!Altimeter, 346,167, 79, 79

gauge01=Cessna!Annunciator, 517,159, 62, 15

gauge02=Cessna!Avionics Switch, 288,426, 37, 47

gauge03=Cessna!Flaps, 467,415, 48, 64

gauge04=Cessna!Fuel_Selector, 556,415, 82, 62

gauge05=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 264,247, 81, 81

gauge06=Cessna!Master_Alt_Bat, 121,425, 40, 45

gauge07=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 582,162, 12, 11

gauge08=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 594,162, 12, 11

gauge09=Cessna!OMI_Lights, 609,158

gauge10=Cessna!Pitch_Trim, 528,416, 21, 36

gauge11=Cessna!Starter, 71,422, 47, 52

gauge12=Cessna!Turn_Indicator, 185,247, 78, 78

gauge13=Cessna!Vertical_Speed, 346,247, 79, 79

gauge14=Cessna!Vacuum_Ampermeter, 122,334, 58, 58

gauge15=Cessna172!Airspeed, 185,167, 78, 78

gauge16=Cessna172!Alt_Static_Air, 339,453, 37, 27

gauge17=Cessna172!Clock, 122,193, 58, 58

gauge18=Cessna172!EGT_Fuel_Flow, 122,271, 58, 58

gauge19=Cessna172!Fuel, 61,270, 58, 58

gauge20=Cessna172!Fuel_Shutoff, 517,453, 36, 28

gauge21=Cessna172!Panel_Lights_Switch, 342,418, 30, 34

gauge22=Cessna172!Tachometer, 347,329, 78, 78

gauge23=Cessna172!Thrust_Controls, 375,425, 81, 55

gauge24=Cessna182s!Oil_Press_Temp, 62,334, 58, 58

gauge25=Cessna182s!Switches, 163,440,121, 41

gauge26=CessnaWAlpha!ADF_Alpha, 431,329, 79, 79

gauge27=CessnaWAlpha!Attitude_Alpha, 266,167, 78, 78

gauge28=CessnaWAlpha!VOR2_Alpha, 431,247, 79, 79

gauge29=CessnaWAlpha!VOR1_Alpha, 431,167, 79, 79

gauge30=CessnaWAlpha!Whiskey_Compass_Alpha, 499, 98, 35, 23

gauge41=SimIcons!Kneeboard Icon, 66,255

gauge42=SimIcons!ATC Icon, 78,255

gauge43=SimIcons!Map Icon, 90,255

gauge44=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 102,255

gauge45=SimIcons1024!IFR Icon, 114,255, 12, 12

gauge46=SimIcons1024!Landing Icon, 126,255, 12, 12

gauge47=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 519,177,120, 24

gauge48=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 519,200,120, 41

gauge49=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 519,240,120, 42

gauge50=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 519,281,120, 32

gauge51=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 519,313,120, 30

gauge52=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 519,343,120, 34

gauge53=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 519,377,121, 34

gauge54=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque, 210,387,65,19

gauge55=FMC!FMC, 0, 0, 325, 512














gauge00=Cessna!Altimeter, 279, 91,100, 99

gauge01=Cessna!Annunciator, 493, 81, 79, 20

gauge02=Cessna!Avionics Switch, 210,411, 40, 59

gauge03=Cessna!Flaps, 430,399, 61, 78

gauge04=Cessna!Fuel_Selector, 540,400, 98, 79

gauge05=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 179,191,100, 99

gauge06=Cessna!Master_Alt_Bat, 2,414, 45, 55

gauge07=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 574, 84, 16, 15

gauge08=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 589, 86, 13, 11

gauge09=Cessna!OMI_Lights, 609, 83, 31, 15

gauge10=Cessna!Pitch_Trim, 504,400, 24, 46

gauge11=Cessna!Turn_Indicator, 78,189,100,100

gauge12=Cessna!Vertical_Speed, 280,191,100,100

gauge13=Cessna!Vacuum_Ampermeter, 158,298, 73, 75

gauge14=Cessna172!Airspeed, 79, 90, 98, 97

gauge15=Cessna172!Alt_Static_Air, 271,449, 44, 30

gauge16=Cessna172!Clock, 1,122, 73, 72

gauge17=Cessna172!EGT_Fuel_Flow, 1,299, 73, 73

gauge18=Cessna172!Fuel, 1,220, 74, 72

gauge19=Cessna172!Fuel_Shutoff, 494,445, 43, 34

gauge20=Cessna172!Tachometer, 282,293, 98, 95

gauge21=Cessna172!Thrust_Controls, 321,414,102, 64

gauge22=Cessna172!Panel_Lights_Switch, 273,402, 38, 41

gauge23=Cessna182s!Oil_Press_Temp, 80,300, 73, 72

gauge24=Cessna182s!Switches, 51,429,151, 51

gauge25=CessnaWAlpha!ADF_Alpha, 387,292,100,100

gauge26=CessnaWAlpha!Attitude_Alpha, 179, 90,100, 99

gauge27=CessnaWAlpha!VOR1_Alpha, 385, 91,100,100

gauge28=CessnaWAlpha!VOR2_Alpha, 385,190,100,100

gauge29=CessnaWAlpha!Whiskey_Compass_Alpha, 471, 3, 43, 30

gauge30=SimIcons!Kneeboard Icon, 37,379, 12, 12

gauge31=SimIcons!ATC Icon, 51,379, 12, 12

gauge32=SimIcons!Map Icon, 65,379, 12, 12

gauge33=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 79,379, 12, 12

gauge34=SimIcons1024!VFR Icon, 93,379, 12, 12

gauge35=SimIcons1024!Landing Icon, 107,379, 12, 12

gauge36=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 496,102,143,27

gauge37=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 496,129,143,52

gauge38=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 496,181,143,56

gauge39=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 496,236,143,35

gauge40=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 496,271,143,37

gauge41=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 496,308,143,43

gauge42=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 496,351,143,43














gauge00=Cessna!Altimeter, 346,167, 79, 79

gauge01=Cessna!Annunciator, 517,159, 62, 15

gauge02=Cessna!Avionics Switch, 288,426, 37, 47

gauge03=Cessna!Flaps, 467,415, 48, 64

gauge04=Cessna!Fuel_Selector, 556,415, 82, 62

gauge05=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 264,247, 81, 81

gauge06=Cessna!Master_Alt_Bat, 121,425, 40, 45

gauge07=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 582,162, 12, 11

gauge08=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 595,162, 10, 10

gauge09=Cessna!OMI_Lights, 609,158

gauge10=Cessna!Pitch_Trim, 528,416, 21, 36

gauge11=Cessna!Starter, 71,422, 47, 52

gauge12=Cessna!Turn_Indicator, 185,247, 78, 78

gauge13=Cessna!Vertical_Speed, 346,247, 79, 79

gauge14=Cessna!Vacuum_Ampermeter, 122,334, 58, 58

gauge15=Cessna172!Airspeed, 185,167, 78, 78

gauge16=Cessna172!Alt_Static_Air, 339,453, 37, 27

gauge17=Cessna172!Clock, 122,193, 58, 58

gauge18=Cessna172!EGT_Fuel_Flow, 122,271, 58, 58

gauge19=Cessna172!Fuel, 61,270, 58, 58

gauge20=Cessna172!Fuel_Shutoff, 517,453, 36, 28

gauge21=Cessna172!Panel_Lights_Switch, 342,418, 30, 34

gauge22=Cessna172!Tachometer, 347,329, 78, 78

gauge23=Cessna172!Thrust_Controls, 375,425, 81, 55

gauge24=Cessna182s!Oil_Press_Temp, 62,334, 58, 58

gauge25=Cessna182s!Switches, 163,440,121, 41

gauge26=CessnaWAlpha!ADF_Alpha, 431,329, 79, 79

gauge27=CessnaWAlpha!Attitude_Alpha, 266,167, 78, 78

gauge28=CessnaWAlpha!VOR1_Alpha, 431,167, 79, 79

gauge29=CessnaWAlpha!VOR2_Alpha, 431,247, 79, 79

gauge30=CessnaWAlpha!Whiskey_Compass_Alpha, 499, 98, 35, 24

gauge31=SimIcons!Kneeboard Icon, 66,255

gauge32=SimIcons!ATC Icon, 78,255

gauge33=SimIcons!Map Icon, 90,255

gauge34=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 102,255

gauge35=SimIcons1024!VFR Icon, 114,255, 12, 12

gauge36=SimIcons1024!IFR Icon, 126,255, 12, 12

gauge37=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 519,177,120, 24

gauge38=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 519,200,120, 41

gauge39=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 519,240,120, 42

gauge40=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 519,281,120, 32

gauge41=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 519,313,120, 30

gauge42=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 519,343,120, 34

gauge43=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 519,377,121, 34

gauge44=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque, 210,387,65,19










gauge00=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 0, 0,156,31

gauge01=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 0, 29,156,59

gauge02=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 0, 86,156,59

gauge03=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 0,142,156,41

gauge04=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 0,180,156,41

gauge05=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 0,217,156,49

gauge06=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 0,262,156,48














gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0









gauge00=Cessna172!Airspeed, 0, 1

gauge01=Cessna!Turn_Indicator, 102, 0

gauge02=CessnaWAlpha!Attitude_Alpha, 207, 0

gauge03=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 312, 0

gauge04=Cessna!Altimeter, 417, 0

gauge05=Cessna!Vertical_Speed, 531, 0










window_size= 0.255, 0.475

gauge00=FMC!FMC, 0, 0, 325,512









gauge00=Cessna!Nav_GPS_Annunciator, 69,457, 20, 19

gauge01=Cessna!VOR1, 259, 1,140,140

gauge02=Cessna!Nav GPS Switch, 45,456, 20, 21

gauge03=Cessna!ADF, 259,283,145,145

gauge04=Cessna172!EGT_Fuel_Flow, 400,109,107,107

gauge05=Cessna172!Fuel, 400, 1,107,107

gauge06=Cessna182s!Oil_Press_Temp, 405,325,107,107

gauge07=Cessna!OMI_Lights, 0,456, 44, 24

gauge08=Cessna!Vacuum_Ampermeter, 405,217,107,107

gauge09=Cessna!Annunciator, 0,481, 99, 25

gauge10=Cessna172!Whiskey_Compass, 100,456, 56, 39

gauge11=Cessna182s!VOR2, 259,142,140,140

gauge12=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 0, 0, 258, 50

gauge13=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 0, 51,258, 95

gauge14=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 0,147,258, 95

gauge15=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 0,243,258, 66

gauge16=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 0,310,258, 66

gauge17=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 0,377,258, 78

gauge18=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque, 188,468,89,25








gauge00=Cessna!Heading_Indicator, 0, 0,163,162

gauge01=Cessna!Turn_Indicator, 164, 0,158,158

gauge02=Bell_206B!Attitude, 323, 0,158,158

gauge03=Cessna!Altimeter, 0,163,158,156

gauge04=Cessna172!Airspeed, 164,159,155,155

gauge05=Cessna!Vertical_Speed, 323,159,156,157

gauge06=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 0,321,258, 77

gauge07=Cessna172!Tachometer, 260,318,143,143

gauge08=Cessna172!Clock, 0,400, 86, 86

gauge09=Cessna!Flaps, 88,400, 78,105




VIEW_FORWARD_DIR= 8.0, 0.0, 0.0





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If you have tried to install 5 different FMCs and got the same result then it is time to look at your system. Its just not working properly. Are you using FSX Acceleration? You need to for the latest software. You say above you have FSX SE. Perhaps reinstall FSX with Acceleration. In the above the only problem is you have the FMC twice. This should not be a big problem but maybe on your system it is. Does your system have sufficient graphics memory?
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Your panel.cfg is messed up. The top is OK where you list the Window Tiles then you should have [window00]

[windows01] [windows02] [windows03], etc. with each one has its own item listed under it. You need to look at another panel.cfg, just use it as a reference to see how it's done. I hope you made a backup of this panel.cfg as his one is all messed up. Good Luck

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Your panel.cfg is messed up. The top is OK where you list the Window Tiles then you should have [window00]




etc. with each one has its own item listed under it. You need to look at another panel.cfg, just use it as a reference to see how it's done. I hope you made a backup of this panel.cfg as his one is all messed up.

Good Luck

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