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FS2004 The Natural World 2019

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FS2004 The Natural World 2019, incorporating the TNW Dense Autogen Project. TNW19 upgrades all FS2004 world ground and seasonal texturing with dedicated texture set for the Semi-Arid and Desert Areas giving flightsim over 3000 more bespoke textures to render, all hand edited, with corrected autogen which gives FS2004 users more variety and an overall amazing visual experience, a real boost to realism. Added to that all the autogen trees and buildings have been replaced or upgraded, the sky, sea, clouds and environments have all been enhanced. TNW is the only program that upgrades the Green Areas without downgrading the more dryer areas. TNW goes a lot further than any other similar scenery package transporting Flight Simulator 2004 into this decade when used with my and cfg file and other tweak and settings.

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Looks very interesting but after unzipping could not install in FS9 as it was not recognised by Microsoft.
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Hate to say this, I was interested in this, but my Anti-Virus Software tagged this file as having a "Trojan" in it... Sorry about that.
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It's really a world of fools, one of the best if not the best ground texture freeware and the only concern of these is security, when with social media they leave their data in the hands of the whole world. Don't worry I'm one of the lucky ones who's been using TNW for more than five years, there's no danger and thank Howard for this wonderful work.


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No offense to you friend,


That's an interesting take and I appreciate it works well for you, but in an environment where Ransomware and Malware zigzags the web, excuse us if we voice valid concerns when our Anti-Virus tags a file as being suspect. It would be really foolish to load software that your AV states as a security risk.


Bottom line, I love to try this freeware addon, but at the risk of having my computer hijacked, that freeware could become a very expensive problem to repair, just to get my computer back online....


Buyer (or freeware-er) beware....

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Just FYI, this file did come directly to us from the author and was virus scanned before being put online. I just downloaded and tested it again, and I do not detect any virus in it.
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Thanks for the scan Nels Hi all I also did a scan on the master file here and found nothing it also had a scan before I uploaded so the file is actually perfectly safe. I have been sending links on request from my web site for the program since 2008 when I moved it out of the public domain because of trolls. What I found if i sent to many links out (when I released a new version mainly) the antiviruses, Microsoft outlook and a few others bodies would flag it as a cyber threat/unknown, my limited understanding of internet security and why TNW is targeted may because TNW has 4 .exe file in the zip 3 for the Texture Swapping programs and the TNW installer not a common combination, notify the antivirus or who ever is flagging it that its save, it has worked over the years. I myself would never criticize internet security for been over zealous it what keeps all the bad guys out, give it a while and try again please.

stay Safe Howard

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I've downloaded it . Install it , fly it , and not satisfied so I uninstall it with their uninstaller. Then I realize it Kills my FS 2004 !!! It's a piece of crap and an old one .Have to reinstall everything
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hoang, have you taken the trouble to look at the statistics? Since uploading 6 days ago - 179 downloads and nobody but yourself has made an allegation that this is faulty software. On the contrary, there have been constructive and positive comments in the forum regarding this latest version of this software. Perhaps its time to point the finger at yourself and your own computer setup? :rolleyes:
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Thanks for the support Lastivka its something that had to come from some one else I just dont get what the trolls get out of it I know about 10 simmers who have developed addons but they would never consider sharing on the net because of trolls they must consider that some sort of perverted achievement, I my self have removed software because of them, now flightsim.com is the only site I use and the only place I offer support
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I emailed Nels said the red caution triangles were part of the file library so simmers could flag files well i did not flag my comments and looking at the positive posts neither did others so suggest you just ignore them


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No disrespect, I'm not a troll (and would never troll anyone) and I really wanted to try this software addon. I'm not sure why my AV software pinged it as a virus, but I can ill-afford to have my computer affected. I felt duty-bound to point out my experience to others. You know, "If you see something, say something..."


Ironically, I had a friend two weeks ago frantically call me, with a "microsoft tech" (lower case on purpose) on one phone and me on the other. His computer was locked up and playing an audible ominous message to not shut his computer down or else and call to a number to get it fixed. The "tech" was demanding his credit card number, etc. I told him it was ransomware and to hang up on the "tech". He brought his computer to Best Buy where he bought it. My assessment was correct.


Sadly, he had not gotten the AV software I recommended. And he wasn't doing anything wrong, just reading a regular news article.


The entire endeavor cost him about $400 to get him computer back a week later, which involved wiping the hard drive and bios - with loss of data and installing a complete new loadset. Considering that it was a $2000 computer, what else could he do?


If I were ever dissatisfied with any download that somebody posted, I would never say anything about it - just merely unload it and move on.


We really appreciate flight simulator enthusiast's contributions to our hobby. I have a few uploads too, not on this site. I do apologize for my pensiveness on the file - ransomware is a BIG DEAL.


I'll give the file another shot... Hopefully, it won't get pinged again.



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Sorry for been a while replying I accept and fully appreciate and agree with everything you say one cant be to careful in this day and age. I build the odd computer for simmer friends and get some old gaming PC donated

I have a i5 win7 in the kitchen which I do all my scenery work on and emails, safe shopping only, night mare if it goes wrong over 2TB to back it up so I do all other other internet work on a machine built out of old parts.

The cause of my software been flagged was a fairly new security thing on the net if a new unknown file is detected above a given quantity then its flagged until it is fully checked and reported safe which means the hackers can only work small scale, its embarrassing for me but really is a good idea. My advice is to firstly hover the mouse over the link and have a look at the real link been displayed in the box. Thank for your post ideally keep your sim of the general internet and google on an old PC it doesn't need to run faster than the internet.

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Having issues with this program. I may have to reinstall FS9 just to get back where I was, painful as it may be. This TNW2019 is just not for me.

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