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FSX - Gauges and Panels - Piper Fuel Selectors Update

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FSX - Gauges and Panels - Piper Fuel Selectors Update. Enclosed is an update for the \Piper_Fuel_Selectors folder that came along with the set of Cherokee Six airplanes recently uploaded as (FS_PA-32-260_CHEROKEE_SIX.ZIP) and (FS_PA-32-260_CHEROKEE_SIX_FP.ZIP). Along with the update folder, three Word Documents are enclosed to explain the need for the selector update as well as two items discovered during the repair of these selectors. I attempted to fully document a two-computer LAN-based "Formation Flying" setup without the need for the Internet. I also discovered why my MINIPANEL ("W" Key) options didn't work on some of my aircraft. I hope, besides the update, you find your "lost" Mini Panels and enjoy a two-pilot formation flying experience! By Ronald Prindle.

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