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P3D/v4/v5 Scenery Object Libraries for Scotflight Freeware

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P3D/v4/v5 Scenery Object Libraries for Scotflight Freeware. Object libraries to be used in conjunction with Scotflight Freeware Airfield packages, all designed to be used with Prepar3D v4 and v5. Should be installed prior to the installation of any airfield sceneries. By Scotflight Freeware.

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@Scotflight Freeware, I found your web site and saw your free Scotland airports. I read that Horizons is the photo real scenery you recommend but have you considered recommending %u201CFSEarth Tiles%u201D instead. The program is free and you can use it to download UK Photo Real scenery for free with it, or actually any where in the world.


Horizons photo real scenery is 1.2 meters per pixel but with %u201CFSEarth Tiles%u201D, you can download 0.25 meters per pixel if you want it that good. I prefer 4 meters per pixel which uses %u00BC the HD space. For special areas, such as cities, I download those at 1 meter per pixel.


I have downloaded 1/5 of the USA and 1/3 of the UK, that is why your recent upload here caught my attention.

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@Scotflight Freeware, I found your web site and saw your free Scotland airports. I read that Horizons is the photo real scenery you recommend but have you considered recommending FSEarth Tiles instead. The program is free and you can use it to download UK Photo Real scenery for free with it, or actually any where in the world.


Horizons photo real scenery is 1.2 meters per pixel but with FSEarth Tiles, you can download 0.25 meters per pixel if you want it that good. I prefer 4 meters per pixel which uses one fourth the HD space. For special areas, such as cities, I download those at 1 meter per pixel.


I have downloaded one fifth of the USA and one third of the UK, that is why your recent upload here caught my attention.

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