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P3D 4.5+ Scenery--Bloukrans And Paul Sauer Bridges

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P3D 4.5+ Scenery--Bloukrans And Paul Sauer Bridges, South Africa. The Bloukrans and Paul Sauer (over the Storms River) bridges are on the N2 highway between Plettenberg Bay and Port Elizabeth on the scenic garden route in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. I made the custom scenery to try some Blender techniques using the P3D 4.5 SDK and tested it in P3D V5 using the Orbx Africa LC and Pilot's NG2020 mesh products (I included a fix for the default V5 mesh). You will find the world's highest commercial bungee jump from the Bloukrans bridge, 216m above the river below. Take off from FAPG and fly a heading of 95 degrees for 32 km to get to the Bloukrans bridge (just off the coast). Follow the highway further east for another 26 km to get to the 120m high Paul Sauer bridge, where I included some additional eye candy. By Johan Pienaar.

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