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FS2004 Scenery--Rae Lakes CYRA at Gameti

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FS2004 Scenery--Rae Lakes CYRA at Gameti in Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. Gameti is a village in the Northwest Territories, around 65 miles north of Whati which was recently posted. Until 2005 the village, which has a population of around 280, was known as Rae Lakes and the airfield is now renamed Gameti/Rae Lakes as shown in the 2010 version of the Nav Canada Flight Supplement, my standard reference year. Permanent settlement was established there in 1965. There is no all-weather road access and the village is reliant upon the airfield for supplies, along with an ice road in the winter months. The airfield is a mile or so east of the village, with a lit gravel runway of just over 3,000 feet aligned 136T-316T where "T" indicates true magnetic bearing instead of the unreliable magnetic heading in Canada's northern domestic airspace. There is PAPI at both runway ends. The airfield is served by Air Tindi from Yellowknife on an almost daily basis, included in the AI here along with some GA and a Friday delivery by a Buffalo DC3 that uses all of the runway. The runway has lake water at each end, ready for the unwary. A note here about my scenery making. There will not be many more to follow this as I am almost at the end of the photos I either took or found for scenery purposes, plus I expect to move on from FS9 at some point during next year. There is no video available on You Tube. By Roger Wensley.

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