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FS2004 Sceenry--Whati CEM3 In The Northwest Territories

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FS2004 Sceenry--Whati CEM3 In The Northwest Territories (NWT) Canada, with AI. This file includes the AI bgl, which was carelessly omitted from the zip file. Thank you Graeme for letting me know. Whati is a village at the southern end of Lac La Martre, a smaller lake (only by Canadian standards, at over 40 miles long) halfway between the Great Slave Lake and the Great Bear Lake and around 100 miles north of Yellowknife. The North West Company established a trading post there in 1793, and this was the centre for local trading in the area for 100 years until a post was opened by the Hudson Bay Company on the Great Slave Lake. The current population is in the region of 520. There is no graded road access and access is by boat or air. The main local economy revolves around hunting and fishing, with efforts being made to increase tourism amid the wilderness and the wildlife. The airfield is just over a mile east of the village, with a runway of around 3,400 feet of gravel aligned 09-27 as of 2010, with PAPI at both ends and lit. There are scheduled flights from Yellowknife by Air Tindi, included in the AI, and some GA. The terminal building is similar to that of Lutselk'e, but with a different colour scheme and with solar panels on the roof. It appears that they repaint the sign on the front of the building with a different wording every time; the one I have used is one of three that have existed in the last few years. The photos I had originally were taken in the winter, with snow. Seeing it in the summer I discovered that my version of the building is not at the right level above the ground by about a foot, or 30cm. I was too lazy to make it again, which was the only way to get it right and still have it throw a shadow on the ground. This scenery modifies the lake shore, corrects levels for land and lake, and adds the village and a connecting road in addition to the airport. A note here about my scenery making. There will not be many more to follow this as I am almost at the end of the photos I either took or found for scenery purposes, plus I expect to move on from FS2004 at some point during next year. By Roger Wensley.

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